
Elements of a Roadmap for Sudan

Towards a Sustainable Political Transformation

Providing alternative policies for Sudan from an institutional perspective.

يطيب لمجموعة الخبراء الإستشارية، وهي مجموعة بحثية Think Tank تم تكليفها بواسطة الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان – شمال و تضم مثقفين سودانين ذويي خلفيات متنوعة من المناطق المهمشة و من المركز، أن تقدم برنامجاً لمنظومة إجتماعية و إقتصادية و سياسية و ثقافية جديدة، لوقف حالة التدهور و إنحدار البلاد نحو الفوضى و التفكك، و تطرح برنامجاً لتحقيق المواطنة المتساوية و إعادة هيكلة الدولة السودانية و تحقيق الديمقراطية و الإستقرار و التنمية المستدامة. لقد تم وضع هذا البرنامج ليخدم مصالح جميع السودانين، و إنهاء معاناة الفقراء و المهمشين بشكل خاص. يقدم البرنامج سياسات بديلة ليبدأ تطبيقها إبتداء من اليوم الأول الذي يلي ذهاب النظام الفاشي الحالي الذي ظل مسيطراً على السلطة لما يقارب ثلاثة عقود، وهو نتاج لجهود خبراء سودانين في مجالات: القانون الدستوري و حقوق الإنسان و الحقوق المدنية و نظام الحكم و العلاقات الخارجية و الأمن و التنمية الإجتماعية و الإقتصادية و الثقافة و الهوية. الوثيقة التي تحوي هذا البرنامج تقدم وعداً و أملاً مستقبلياً، و تعمل على إجلاء و زيادة وضوح رؤية السودان الجديد، و تعضيد كفاح شعبنا النبيل من أجل تحقيق السلام و الديموقراطية و العدالة و المواطنة المتساوية. يهدف طرح هذه الوثيقة أمام جميع السودانين لمزيد من النقاش و التطوير.

The Expert Advisory Group, a think tank commissioned by the SPLM-N and comprised of Sudanese intellectuals of different backgrounds from the marginalized areas and center of Sudan, is pleased to present a blueprint for a new social, economic, political and cultural dispensation that is required to stop the downward descent of Sudan into chaos and fragmentation by ushering in a program of equal citizenship and democracy that restructures the state and provides stability and sustainable development.  The program is designed to benefit all Sudanese, but it is especially meant to end the suffering of the poor and marginalized of Sudan.  This blueprint provides alternative policies for the day after the end of the current fascist regime that has ruled Sudan for almost three decades, and it represents the work of Sudanese experts in the areas of constitutional law, civil and human rights, governance, foreign policy, security, social and economic development, and culture and identity.  It is a document that will provide hope, sharpen the vision of a New Sudan, and strengthen the struggle of our people in their noble search for peace, democracy, justice and equal citizenship.  This document is presented to the people of Sudan for further debate and development.


 Areas of Focus

Culture and identity

The construction of a coherent and inclusive national identity capable of providing every citizen with a sense of mutual belonging regardless of cultural, religious or ethnic background is essential to a program of nation and state building and it is a necessary precondition for legitimizing the state.

foreign relations

Foreign relations must serve the interests of the people of Sudan.  Logistically, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will need fundamental rehabilitation and reorganization with qualified diplomats and staff who reflect the ethnic and gender diversity of the country.

constitution and Governance

A permanent constitution for Sudan must be validated by wide and inclusive political participation and it must address issues of social justice, national identity, federalism, political accountability and respect for the rule of law, including modalities for the separation of powers.

socio-economic development

Economic recovery and poverty reduction will require programming and planning by the government to rationally and consistently develop and coordinate allocation of national resources for the benefit of the Sudanese people.  These efforts will require sufficient time to develop and implement. 


Reform and restructuring will lead to a professional, unified and national security sector that reflects the diversity of Sudanese society.  This should be treated as an urgent priority because of the civil conflict risk inherent in mismangaging this sector.

health and education

The significance of public expenditures in sustaining and expanding the productive human resource base of the country through social spending must be recognized.  Macroeconomic policies must ensure that public expenditure in the social sectors is maintained at adequate levels.


Sudan must arrive at equality in citizenship rights and at restructuring of the state in the interests of the majority of the population.


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